What’s a B Corp Anyway?

People don’t believe the existing economic system is working for them. They’re angry, and they’re right. To build a new type of economy we need a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. Businesses that compete to be best for the world, the people living in it, and the natural environment on which our quality of life depends.

B Corporations are businesses that have chosen to be legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, community, and environment. Certified B Corporations meet the highest standards of verified performance and transparency.

B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. The B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high quality jobs with dignity and purpose. By harnessing the power of business, B Corps use profits and growth as a means to a greater end: positive impact for their employees, communities, and the environment.

Certifying as a B Corporation goes beyond product- or service-level certification. B Corp Certification is the only certification that measures a company’s entire social and environmental performance. The B Impact Assessment evaluates how a company’s operations and business model impact workers, community, environment, and customers. From the supply chain and input materials to charitable giving and employee benefits, B Corp Certification proves your business is meeting the highest standards of verified performance.

Positive impact is supported by transparency and accountability requirements. B Corp Certification doesn’t just prove where a company excels now—it builds it into the company’s legal structure.

The B Economy is built by everyone who works for, buys from, invests in, learns or teaches about, or supports businesses striving to create a shared and durable prosperity for all. 

Beautycounter is a Certified B Corp and Elate Cosmetics is in the certification process. Trust in their products and their impact on their workers and the planet.