Capsule Beauty the key to feeling more beautiful

Capsule Beauty

A beauty ritual should be fun, not complicated. It should inspire you to be your best self and move through your day with this sentiment at the top of mind. Your rituals are what bring joy to simple everyday actions. They are moments that you create for yourself to admire all the wonderful things about YOU. And, most importantly, it needs to be designed for you, by you, because only you know what you love!

Capsule Beauty is rooted in intention. It is being intentional with what we bring into our environment in order to focus on the integrity of our values and reduce excess waste. It is what drives those moments of joy we are always looking to create.

This belief is grounded in the belief of buying what you need and using it purposefully to limit waste. When we simplify, we focus on the things that add meaning to our lives. We are left with items that are well loved, and well used to completion. In the process, we encourage you to create more time and space for the things that truly bring you joy. In doing so, you begin to create rituals out of everyday routines.

It also makes you feel better about yourself. When we look at a beauty routine with a million steps we are telling ourselves that we need all these products and stages to make ourselves beautiful. When we use less and celebrate what we love about our natural looks and what makes us happy to use, we are leaning into the belief that we are already beautiful just the way we are.

To find your perfect capsule beauty products book a consultation or read this step by step guide.

How to refresh your Capsule Beauty rituals:
1. Use up the current makeup you already have in your beauty bag. The last thing we want you to do is toss out products that are not fully used, to prevent excess waste from hitting the landfills.
2. Explore your favourite facial features- Do you love your long lashes? Do you love the shape of your brows? Do you love how your full lips embrace your smile? Does your nose remind you of your grandmother who you always admired?
3. Discover your style – Are you drawn to more “barely there” makeup? Do you prefer to add a pop of colour to your lips and cheeks? Do you embrace strong colours and definition when applying your own sustainable makeup?
If you are still unsure of your beauty style, book a consultation here.
4. Assess your skin- Are you noticing more oil around your nose? Are your cheeks feeling taught and more dry than usual? This is a great time to switch up your low waste foundation.
5. Consciously choose sustainable and ethical brands that align with your values, goals, and ethics, and who are actively addressing true human kindness across the globe.